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welcome to the space station

6 Jul

Nath and I have been busy with house things.. finally! So sick of feeling like we just moved in, when we have been here for a year and a half now. As much as I would love to paint the whole house pink, I am exercising restraint – we’re going for dark grey, white, bright yellow and a few little pops of hot pink through the main parts of the house.

Sounds gross, huh? Trust me! Nathan didn’t, but when I actually painted little test patches on the walls, he decided the colors weren’t so bad after all. We are painting this weekend, so there will be photos.. how exciting. /deadpan

Apart from that, I’m trying to decided how I want my little room. It’s sort of an office, a study, a work room and somewhere to store all my junk. But seeing as I’m trying to make the rest of the house so gender-neutral in terms of decorating and colors, it’s also got to be outlet for everything pink, frilly, fluffy, sparkly and polka-dotted. Here are some ideas I’ve been collecting (I’m not sure of all the sources) :

I definitely need a wall (at least one!) like this in my room, covered in gorgeous words like flippant, fickle and flighty.

Not quite so pink, but still hella cute.

This one is bordering on too sugary-sweet. Even for me. Plus with my bratty little puppies, it’d be filthy in two seconds flat. But I love the stripes.

And this.. is the ultimate pink!

So, all my inspiration pictures are of spaces for sleeping or lounging around.. is this an indicator of how much work I will get done in my future room?

xx Bunny


20 Jun

Wrote a big, long post, but it seemed irrelevant and silly, so here is this instead.

Not So Sparkly

2 Jun

Someone once described me as “sparkly” – I’m not feeling it so much right now. Instead, I’m feeling like my neck has been inflated with a bicycle pump, my sinuses have been injected with cement, my throat has participated in a razor blade swallowing experiment, my whole body has run a marathon instead of sleeping and my hands and feet have enormous weights attached to them. Nathan decided sleeping on the couch was a better bet than trying to sleep next to me, hacking and coughing all night.

Actually, I wouldn’t mind being stuck in bed all day if I had records, crayons and chipmunks saying ‘hello’.

There was an ad on TV last night that made me a bit sad – the tagline was “You are what you do”. It’s completely true, and a bit harrowing for someone who is currently doing nothing, therefore is nothing. So even though my body is screaming out for me to go back to bed, I’m going to do something. Or at least plan what I’m going to do. Baby steps though.


  • Clean up the ‘sick-person-mess’ that magically appears when I’m sick. Empty panadol boxes, empty drink bottles, dirty teacups, piles of blankets and pillows.
  • Make spaghetti. Eat real food.
  • Wash my hair, put on some makeup and clothes. Not pajamas.

This weekend:

  • We are hopefully going to look at a gorgeous little dog called Rupert on Saturday!
  • I’m hoping we can fit in some time to plant some flowers in the garden for spring. I love peonies, and apparently they are not too hard to grow.
  • I’m also hoping that I can set up my room too – it will be so nice to be able to paint, sew and make things again.

Super Kawaii Mama is writing a fantastic series of posts on how to be glamourous for every occassion, even when it’s freezing or you are cleaning the house. Very inspiring right now – I’m not sparkly right now, but I’m going to put on some blush and hopefully it will get the ball rolling.

xx B


30 May

About 7 weeks ago, I got the flu – fairly badly. I wish I could say that I made a full recovery and bounced back to my normal self, but that is not the case. Ever since, I have seen a few days here and there of feeling alright before crashing again.

After an okay Tuesday and Wednesday, I was feeling fairly confident about finally feeling better, but no such luck. I woke up this morning with absolutely no voice whatsoever and finally went to the doctor. Two hypotheses: a) I have just had very bad luck and managed to catch a string of viruses after being weakened by the original incidence of flu, leading to current laryngitis accompanied by fever, or b) I have recurring glandular fever. Squeak.

Blood test on Monday to find out, but either way, the treatment is the same. Good: staying in bed and eating soup, ice cream and jelly all day. Bad: feeling sick, not being able to do things and spending a lot of time laying in bed.

xx Bunny

New Best Friend

21 May

Not really. But a new favourite show, which is kind of rare for me – I don’t really do television shows. I make special exceptions for Ladette to Lady and certain things with Matt Berry or Ricky Gervais though. And now this – Sons of Anarchy is grand – as I have been couch-bound in Deathville (read: I have a cold that won’t go away), Nath and I have spend almost every night in this week watching it. I love it. The main guy (see above) is pretty swanky considering I don’t usually go for boys whose hair is lighter than mine.

I previously summed up Avatar as ‘Pocahontas in space’; so I guess my two-noun-plus-a-conjunction impression of Sons of Anarchy is ‘Hamlet with motorcycles’. But it’s a bit more than that. There is a constant soundtrack of raw rocking bluesy music, and I love that it isn’t overacted – the number one reason I avoid most television.

Favourite moment so far: seeing Katey Sagal’s character smack a girl in the face with a skateboard. BEST.

However, mind to task! I have absolutely no idea what to wear to an upcoming engagement party. No mention of dress code on the invitation, and I am feeling poor, unfashionable and frumpy – worst combination. This is the mental process right now: buying a new dress is out of the question, yet my current mood means that everything I own will look disgusting on me, but if I were to get something new, I wouldn’t find anything because everything in the stores would look like junk on me anyway. Lose-lose-lose situation at this point.

If I manage to not go in a potato sack with a paper bag over my head, I’ll post photos.

xx Bunny


7 May

I’m giving tumblr a test drive. Not sure yet.

Perhaps I am just totally disillusioned by as opposed to .org, or maybe tumblr is easier? Eh. I need to decide though, because I am going domain shopping in a few weeks.

We’ll see! Let me know what you think – Ophelia in Space v.2

xx B

Mysteries of the Universe

15 Apr

Dear Universe,

Why do I do this? – every single time I have paint or glue on my hands, I wipe it on my skirt. Every time. Even if I am totally aware of the fact that I am wrecking my clothes, I still do it. Gah.

Love from Bunny

PS: I’ve been a really good girl lately, so can you please give me lots of money and make my headache go away? Also, fantastic marks on my assignments would be extremely welcome. Thank you!


And this is Nathan’s contribution to this post:

And here is a hint about things to come, hopefully, that I’ll be talking about after Friday morning.


xx Bunny

..just keep swimming

11 Apr

Holidays are over. Deathville deluxe. I keep reminding myself that there is only two months of classes before I have almost two months of holidays.. as much as I adore university, it is a hell of a lot of work. Once you have finished all the required reading and writing, there is a  small mountain to get through; thinking, understanding, organizing, corresponding, double-checking, stressing, researching and trying to be original. It doesn’t exactly leave a lot of mental space or even time for anything else.

I am aching to do some non-academic writing again. I want to practice piano everyday and actually get good again. I really wish I had my easel and paints here with me. It would be nice to live in a place where singing wasn’t verboten.

Perhaps I’m miserable because it is finally starting to get cold here. I don’t function well in winter weather. However, winter fashion can be fun. CAN BE are the important words. I hate nothing more than the long shapeless knits in various shades of depressing charcoal, putrid plum and melancholic mulberry – they seem to saturate stores at this time. Australian Target is a constant perpetrator. Winter clothes can be awesome, but it is always hard to find what I want.. in this country, especially. So to cheer myself up about impending days of bone-chilling wind, constant drizzle and grey skies, I used polyvore to daydream about my ideal winter wardrobe:

Winter, I wish.


xx Bunny

Holidays… what holidays?

7 Apr

So I have had a week off school, ostensibly to give me a chance to catch up on things and have a bit of extra time to perfect the first wave of assignments. It is almost Thursday and neither of those things have happened yet.

Today I peeled myself out of my sickbed, slapped on some mascara and went for a mini-trek at about 4pm – a mission entitled “I haven’t eaten anything today and now after almost passing out in the shower I have realized my blood sugar levels are kind of screwed up and now affecting my ability to actually execute a plan to feed myself”. Several exciting things happened. I was hit on by a woman twice my age on the tram, it rained, and I had the chance to play a very rare and exciting game on the corner of Bourke and Elizabeth Streets – are they a) drunk, b) crazy, or c) engaging in some sort of impromptu French existentialist absurdist street performance?

Nath chose drunk. I’m still not sure. If it was performance, does this confusion mean they were supremely good at it? Or were they supremely bad? – the lasting impression has nothing to do with what they were actually speaking about or any meaning they might have been trying to convey.. unless it was a piece called “the fine line between drunk, crazy and absurdism”. Shrug.

We also went to Ant’s for some dragon buns. 猪肉包子 (feeling like I should at least try to keep up my Chinese skills). I adore theirs – they are small and not sweet, but complex with overtones of ginger and star anise. They make me happy…

Seems Stuart’s Nightclub is still in full swing – I came home, hacking and coughing but clutching butter menthols (sweet mercy), to discover some random girl doing the dishes. Hair extensions, heels and rubber gloves. I thought they were all leaving, but then they came back with fifty thousand bags of McDonalds and more people. Once again – SHRUG. I have relinquished all responsibility here….

UPDATE: Stuart’s friends left the front door wide open, the cat has escaped and run off into the night. Stuart is off his head, decided that someone must be in the house and ran around brandishing a sword to “fuck them up”. HELP.

xx Bunny

I am the reverse Princess and the Pea

7 Apr

Without the pea. For those who aren’t grasping my brilliantly obscure and totally defunct literary allusion, I have a million blankets on top of me. If I were reversed and a pea was somehow involved, the comparison might not be total rubbish.

Yes, feverish delirium has set in. This will probably be another one of those posts I apologize for in the morning.

But in the meantime; I’m awake, overtired, struggling to breathe and really wishing I could just dissolve into time and space. Or I could trawl the interwebz on my ridiculously expensive mobile broadband, laughing at parents and researching Pelle Yngve Ohlin (‘Dead’ from Mayhem) like some morbid marauder. Yup, I chose the latter two.

UPDATE: I found some cold and flu tablets. Maybe I’ll get some sleep after all. So now… in dot point form!

  • This article makes me angry. Cohesive examination of the quarter life crisis from me (someone who is actually there) coming soon, but really: it has so little to do with money in the scheme of things – it’s a quarter LIFE crisis, not a financial quarter crisis. Jerks. Do they not know anything?
  • Why are these tools still scuttling around the house at midnight? Why are there even people here at this time? WHY IS THIS STUART’S NIGHTCLUB?
  • Lady Gaga on Friday. I have nothing to wear. I may as well jump off the Westgate.
  • But nutella exists. May as well live a second-rate existence solely for the purpose of consuming hazelnut spread.

Drowsy, finally! So, in light of recent blogging tragedies – I hereby solemnly swear to get some sleep, not let this turn into pneumonia, restore brain function and actually have something interesting to report!

xx Bunny, from Deathville