Tag Archives: inspiration

welcome to the space station

6 Jul

Nath and I have been busy with house things.. finally! So sick of feeling like we just moved in, when we have been here for a year and a half now. As much as I would love to paint the whole house pink, I am exercising restraint – we’re going for dark grey, white, bright yellow and a few little pops of hot pink through the main parts of the house.

Sounds gross, huh? Trust me! Nathan didn’t, but when I actually painted little test patches on the walls, he decided the colors weren’t so bad after all. We are painting this weekend, so there will be photos.. how exciting. /deadpan

Apart from that, I’m trying to decided how I want my little room. It’s sort of an office, a study, a work room and somewhere to store all my junk. But seeing as I’m trying to make the rest of the house so gender-neutral in terms of decorating and colors, it’s also got to be outlet for everything pink, frilly, fluffy, sparkly and polka-dotted. Here are some ideas I’ve been collecting (I’m not sure of all the sources) :

I definitely need a wall (at least one!) like this in my room, covered in gorgeous words like flippant, fickle and flighty.

Not quite so pink, but still hella cute.

This one is bordering on too sugary-sweet. Even for me. Plus with my bratty little puppies, it’d be filthy in two seconds flat. But I love the stripes.

And this.. is the ultimate pink!

So, all my inspiration pictures are of spaces for sleeping or lounging around.. is this an indicator of how much work I will get done in my future room?

xx Bunny

My, I’m full of warm fuzzies this morning..

20 Apr

image via weheartit

Got one.

xx B