Archive | June, 2010


20 Jun

Wrote a big, long post, but it seemed irrelevant and silly, so here is this instead.

busy bunny

14 Jun

I bought a domain! While I’m still at home getting better, I’m tricking it up for your viewing pleasure, so hold tight.

Apart from that, Rupert is settling in nicely. He and Posie have had a few little spats but they are currently asleep on the couch, one on either side of me. I am feeling pretty conflicted about it all – what is best for everybody, making sure that the dogs are getting equal attention and not bossing each other around, etc. It will take time, for sure.

And finally – I am having a 90’s music renaissance. Actually, when am I not having a 90’s music renaissance?! Here is one of my guilty dance-around-the-house-in-my-underwear songs:

As one of the commenters said, it seemed so much better at the time.

xx Bunny

Cabin Fever – and some link love

11 Jun

It’s been a while. I haven’t posted, because I haven’t had anything to write about it – literally. In the past week and a half I have left the house only to go to the doctor and supermarket. Otherwise, my time has been spent trying to keep warm, laying on the couch under a mountain of blankets and coughing. Violently.

Not exactly fun or wonderful. My mind is still buzzing with all sorts of ideas, but I can’t do anything. I want to see people, but it’s not reasonable to inflict this on someone else. So, it’s horrible, but it is hardly the kind of stuff I want this blog to be about. The show will go on.

In the meantime, here are some of the things I have been amusing myself with from bed:

  • I want gradient tights! The Coveted has a very straight forward tutorial on how to do this at home, rather than paying $88+ for a single pair (I’m sure they are lovely, but with the lifespan of my tights, no thanks).
  • Cornify is the best invention known to mankind. Rainbows, hearts, unicorns and sparkles make EVERYTHING better. Presenting.. me, cornified. It’s like Blingee for cool people. Or dorks. You decide. 
  • Hyperbole and a Half has been amusing me to no end, especially this post on sneaky hate spirals! My favourite part: a man, throwing a stone at a bird, while screaming “stop taunting me with your powers of flight!”
  • This Coca-Cola vending machine skirt is a completely ingenious idea by a Japanese designer, to help women ward off attackers. It’s based on the idea of a ninja disguising themselves at night. Designer Aya Tsukioka says, “These ideas might strike foreigners as far-fetched, but in Japan, they can become reality.” I love this – I wish that far-fetched, magical, imaginative innovations were realistic everywhere..
  • Cheap Chic Weddings just announced the winners of their annual toilet paper wedding dress competition; I am so amazed. Here is a detail of one of the dresses:I only found out about the competition after it closed, but I would love to enter next year. It could be a really fun excuse to have friends over, make cupcakes and mocktails, and spend a day making dream dresses!
  • I have been daydreaming constantly about Rupert; we finally get to meet him tomorrow, and the nervous excitement is almost too much! It is going to be a huge adjustment for everybody, and I’m really scared about the possibility of it not working out.. but I’m hopeful. I mean, look at this gorgeous little guy!
  • Finally: Pip from Meet Me at Mikes is running a super cute project/competition – The Envelope Project. The idea is to decorate an envelope, fill it with a couple of pretty paper/crafty things and mail it to her – she will display the envelopes in her storefront and one lucky person will receive the contents of ALL the envelopes at the end. I’m definitely planning on entering.

What interesting things have you came across recently?

xx B

living dead girl! and hopefully a puppy

5 Jun

My sister Jennifer wanted me to be the model for a school project, dealing with suicide (her idea). This is me; covered in chocolate sauce, in the bath with a petticoat slip on, trying not to giggle.

Fun fun fun. I’m still quite sick, which Jennifer said would only add to her photos! Behold my pointy eyebrows. She’s still editing her photos – this is just one I was playing with as a little demonstration for her on how to change colours, etc.

Also, this is the little dog we may (hopefully) be getting next weekend –

Meet Rupert.

It’s a tricky situation, and I am extremely hopeful that things work out. Rupert’s current owner has decided he needs a ‘forever-home’ with a family that can give him the time and attention he deserves; apparently he’s a sweet little darling to humans, but can be very timid and is scared of other dogs. Posie can be very full-on and a little overenthusiastic in her affection sometimes, so it will definitely take some work to introduce them to each other; slowly, in a way that both of them can deal with.

I’m also hoping that by the end of next week, I can have my room sorted out; my easel set up, my felt sorted by colour and stacked neatly, buttons in their jars, fairy lights strung across the curtain rail. It would be nice to have a place to get better..

xx Bunny

Not So Sparkly

2 Jun

Someone once described me as “sparkly” – I’m not feeling it so much right now. Instead, I’m feeling like my neck has been inflated with a bicycle pump, my sinuses have been injected with cement, my throat has participated in a razor blade swallowing experiment, my whole body has run a marathon instead of sleeping and my hands and feet have enormous weights attached to them. Nathan decided sleeping on the couch was a better bet than trying to sleep next to me, hacking and coughing all night.

Actually, I wouldn’t mind being stuck in bed all day if I had records, crayons and chipmunks saying ‘hello’.

There was an ad on TV last night that made me a bit sad – the tagline was “You are what you do”. It’s completely true, and a bit harrowing for someone who is currently doing nothing, therefore is nothing. So even though my body is screaming out for me to go back to bed, I’m going to do something. Or at least plan what I’m going to do. Baby steps though.


  • Clean up the ‘sick-person-mess’ that magically appears when I’m sick. Empty panadol boxes, empty drink bottles, dirty teacups, piles of blankets and pillows.
  • Make spaghetti. Eat real food.
  • Wash my hair, put on some makeup and clothes. Not pajamas.

This weekend:

  • We are hopefully going to look at a gorgeous little dog called Rupert on Saturday!
  • I’m hoping we can fit in some time to plant some flowers in the garden for spring. I love peonies, and apparently they are not too hard to grow.
  • I’m also hoping that I can set up my room too – it will be so nice to be able to paint, sew and make things again.

Super Kawaii Mama is writing a fantastic series of posts on how to be glamourous for every occassion, even when it’s freezing or you are cleaning the house. Very inspiring right now – I’m not sparkly right now, but I’m going to put on some blush and hopefully it will get the ball rolling.

xx B