Tag Archives: photos

Puppy Love

2 Jul

I’m slightly enamoured. Can you tell?

Lucky – I was so scared that they wouldn’t get along or we would have major problems. But Rupert and Posie are best friends already. They curl up next to each other when it’s cold and chase each other around the house like maniacs… so cute!

Having two puppies has brought out a major character defect in me though – I play favourites. Majorly. But probably only as an antidote to what everybody else is doing.. everybody is smitten with Rupert so much to the point where Posie is feeling neglected. Someone has to love her, so I’ve been paying her extra attention. At home, Posie will play Mario Kart with me, and Rupert will go hang out with Nathan and play computer games. Girls versus boys!

You know how people say that dogs tend to resemble their owners (or vice versa)? I think that’s happening here… in personality at least.

Posie is like me – she is very smart but a bratty little princess. She needs all the attention in the room.. no, the world. She is very vocal and barks constantly. She also loves wearing her little pink sweater and parading around in it. She never walks; she prances or sprints or pounces. She is mad about her toys and wants to play all the time. She’s super affectionate and just wants to lavish everybody with kisses, all the time, whether they are awake or not. She pulls the funniest faces and gets so angry when we laugh at her.

Rupert is like Nathan – he is a little log of a dog, so chilled out. He’s super sweet but very much a ‘boy’ dog, which is something I’m not used to. I call him the Insinkerator – I give them both treats and his is gone before Posie has taken a single bite of hers, and he has no qualms about stealing food off the coffee table if we’re not supervising. When you pick him up, he goes completely limp and throws his weight backwards so you have to hold him like a baby. He adorable and a total lap dog.

Okay, puppy love overload. They are so adorable, but I’ll try to refrain from puppy worship too much in the future! Seeing as I’ve been stuck inside by myself for so long, I’ve got a warped appreciation of what is actually exciting – these little guys are the most interesting thing in my life right now. A bit sad, but winter won’t last forever.

xx Bunny

living dead girl! and hopefully a puppy

5 Jun

My sister Jennifer wanted me to be the model for a school project, dealing with suicide (her idea). This is me; covered in chocolate sauce, in the bath with a petticoat slip on, trying not to giggle.

Fun fun fun. I’m still quite sick, which Jennifer said would only add to her photos! Behold my pointy eyebrows. She’s still editing her photos – this is just one I was playing with as a little demonstration for her on how to change colours, etc.

Also, this is the little dog we may (hopefully) be getting next weekend –

Meet Rupert.

It’s a tricky situation, and I am extremely hopeful that things work out. Rupert’s current owner has decided he needs a ‘forever-home’ with a family that can give him the time and attention he deserves; apparently he’s a sweet little darling to humans, but can be very timid and is scared of other dogs. Posie can be very full-on and a little overenthusiastic in her affection sometimes, so it will definitely take some work to introduce them to each other; slowly, in a way that both of them can deal with.

I’m also hoping that by the end of next week, I can have my room sorted out; my easel set up, my felt sorted by colour and stacked neatly, buttons in their jars, fairy lights strung across the curtain rail. It would be nice to have a place to get better..

xx Bunny

Zombie Holocaust

2 May

Introducing, Jennifer Genocide and Bunny Brainhunter:

Melbourne Zombie Shuffle 2010 was awesome! I remember going in 2006 or 2007 and only a few hundred people rocked up, but this time, there were literally thousands. I ran out of time/ideas/wasn’t feeling great, so went as a ‘regular zombie’ but the costumes were amazing (see albums on facebook and flickr) One lady wore a 18th century garb on a headless dummy positioned so she was holding her own head. There were zombie dogs and zombie babies, even zombie Lady Gaga. Fun deluxe – I’ll have to start brainstorming (ha) for what to do next year.

xx Bunny

PS: To anybody who got misinformed by silly television news reporters: it’s an annual event, it’s not raising money for anything, it’s not a Guinness record attempt, it’s not a protest. It’s just fun.. why should we have to be able to justify fun?

Audrey and Serendipitous Party Shenanigans

25 Apr

Audrey had her party on Friday night, despite being worried about it for some time. So many people! Surprisingly, despite the huge number of people running down the street singing at 4am and the thumping ‘doof’ music (once the ravers ousted dj-ing control from the hippies), they didn’t get shut down by the police. It was fun.

Audrey rocked her little French maid look, complete with fairy wings and exposed bra (right: picture of her, climbing out a window). She also drew hearts on her thigh in black and white eyeliner – I put a white star on my cheek.

I don’t think any pictures of me have emerged yet, but I had two costume changes! My final outfit was a black dress with a full skirt, rose pink cardigan, black tights and black 8-inch PVC pole dancing shoes! The party was notoriously full of ridiculously tall people and I am ridiculously short – I think my shoes were of great benefit to the health of their spines, not having to bend down constantly to talk to me.

One of the ridiculously tall people was Ilian, my new friend! It was quite exciting; he and I met randomly and talked all night once before, about 6 or 7 weeks ago. He is very lovely, strange, Swedish and has fantastic taste in music, but he was off to Thailand, and I just assumed I’d never see him again. And there he was at this party! It was fortuitous, as neither of us really knew too many people there and neither my Nathan nor his girlfriend were able to come – without re-meeting each other, we would both have been alone and awkward, but luckily we got to be horribly anti-social together instead and hang out on a couch all night talking. It was nice; I’m not a great party person, as I seem to be better with people in a one-on-one situation. Plus neither of us were drunk and we don’t do anything else, so we were sort of in a different frame of mind to a lot of the other people at the party – I was definitely glad to have a partner in crime for the night! Highlight of the entire night was watching him try to get home from the party – imagine a 2 metre tall, rail-thin goth with white blonde hair, wearing a cowboy hat and way-too-tight jeans, trying to ride a pushbike in the dark. I laughed and laughed and laughed.. and even thinking about it now, I still laugh!

Audrey’s housemates are a really cool blend of ravers and hippies, which definitely made for an interesting crowd. A few of them decided face paint was the way to go (see left). The music alternated from Audrey’s fantastic hippie-soul set (including Jackson 5 and Florence and the Machine) to all sorts of creepy electronic triphop and psytrance later on. A bit past 3am, I was getting a headache and being hit on by a series of increasingly obnoxious guys, so I sauntered home.

And now, I’m really home: Nath picked me and all my junk up from Northcote on Saturday night, and now I’m back. It’s such a comfort to finally feel ‘home’ again – to walk around the house in my underwear, that feeling of being totally clean you can only get from your own shower, getting to water my plants (from all appearances, they have really really missed me). Even waking up to a psychotic puppy jumping all over my face is a very happy thing. However, I will miss living in that street and being so close to Audrey’s house as to facilitate midnight trips to the park to talk about random junk.

Oh well. It’s good to be home. And parties, people and fun are only a train/car ride away.

xx Bunny

Four grey walls and four grey towers..

12 Apr

.. Overlook a space of flowers,
And the silent isle embowers,
The Lady of Shalott

Today wasn’t wonderful. As you can see. Don’t fret though; it eventually got better.

xx Bunny (with a dash of Lord Alfred Tennyson)

Last night, at the Monster Ball..

11 Apr

Aunty Marie, Cat, Jen and I went to Lady Gaga on Friday night. I have to admit that I wasn’t particularly excited initially; she is not exactly my generally preferred sort of music. But hearing certain songs blasted into my consciousness every time I’m in a car/shopping mall/wherever, they sort of grew on me. And in watching the amazing theatricality and artistically breathtaking conceptual designs in everything she does… I am a bit smitten. Yup – enough to make me smile THIS BIG —>

I am fierce.

Jen pried hundreds of little mirrors off a disco ball and glued them to a bra; Catty wore 8 inch PVC fetish thigh high platform boots. I was totally boring in comparison, but fun was had.

Highlights: an incendiary piano and mad improvisation involving a boot, the ‘Glinda’ outfit, her nonsensical but somehow endearing “I love you, be true to yourself, what we have is so pure and true!” spiels, and….. Bad Romance. Wow.

She promised to come back next year. In return, I promise to go all out (possibly even naked) in coming to a show then.

xx Bunny Florentine

Supermodel Documentary Hour!

10 Apr


multitudinous seas incarnadine

1 Apr

… has been floating around my head all day. Such musical words. A snippet of Shakespeare that I came across in my copy of The Little Red Writing Book, but I’m not sure where it is from originally – bets on the Sonnets though.

I really, really, really wish I: a) knew where my camera is, or b) was rich enough to buy the new one I want, so I could show you all what I got up to today. Spectacular sights galore. So, I have raided google image search for some approximations.

ours were not this pretty

Nath and I met up for lunch; Shanghai Dumpling Restaurant! Prawn and chicken, pork and a big plate of Chinese broccoli. I made a huge mess and, of course, ordered at least five times more than I was capable of eating. Nath summed it up as “okay” – I think it’s only fair to interpret that as “I like yours better”.

We went to Mind Games because he simply needed some Warhammer paints, then stood in a bus shelter talking and watching the traffic lights change; again and again and again. He finally went back to work and it was a bit sad..

Uprisings by kozyndan

Next stop: Outre. I wanted to buy everything. EVERYTHING. Especially this piece by kozyndan (see right); very similar to Katsushika Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa except for one vital detail – the frothy crests of the waves consist of hundreds of white tumbling bunnies. I want it.. there were a few more giclee prints of Japanese inspired bunny-art by kozyndan as well; maybe I need them all.

Other eye candy included prints by Angelique Houtkamp, the beautiful Mark Ryden, the ubiquitous Shag, a print of Royal Disorder Poison Party by Camille Rose Garcia, and then Niagara who I hadn’t encountered before but loved. I had to restrain myself from calling people who didn’t even care just to tell them how brilliant some of these works were…… which I suppose is sort of what I am doing now. Just one more…

Delfina y Maria by Sylvia Ji - I wanted this one too.

Okay. Being an art wanker = over.

I wandered off to Lincraft to get some supplies and walked away totally disappointed – why oh why do they only stock A4 sheets of horrible acrylic felt? It defies logic.

.. someone's cupcake. mine was cuter this time. and chocolate.

Anyway, my disappointment was so great that I needed to do two things: buy some bamboo knitting needles and a ball of pretty wool to entertain myself with, and a chocolate mini cupcake with cream cheese frosting to nibble whilst wandering around Degraves St. Having previously discussed the virtues of ‘mini-food’ on Facebook (conclusion: everything ‘mini’ is cuter therefore tastier), it seemed necessary.

So. Now we can pretend that all I do in life is look at art, knit and eat cupcakes. I did laundry? Hunted through a dusty garage and dangled preciously from a teetering ladder while hunting for super glue? Spent half an hour scrubbing a pair of particularly gross shoes with an old toothbrush and methylated spirits? Swept up a small mountain of dog hair from the hallway alone? Am currently doing another small mountain of homework? NEVER.



28 Mar

The first night, when she was 8 weeks old. Love you embarrassingly much, my Posie-puff.
