Tag Archives: nath

Posie’s 1st Birthday

17 May

On Sunday, my little puppy turned 1. Naturally, we had to have a birthday party for her – her uncles Gizmo and Bobby came over to say hello, as well as my family, Nath’s family and some friends. We sat around eating cheese and cake all afternoon, while Posie pranced around the house in her new pink sweater playing with her new toys. She got so many presents.. she is definitely spoiled!

I feel so grateful that my little munchkin spent this year with Nath and I. Pity she wouldn’t let me give her a bath or even clean her face up for some photos!

I love this dog so much. She barks incessantly, skitters across the floorboards at the slightest provocation and enjoys biting people. When I am sick, she collects dirty tissues from around the house to ‘feed’ to me. When I am not sick, she gathers woodchips, grass and insects as presents to put in my bed. She will run outside in the middle of the night to dance around in the mud, scamper back inside and decorate my bedsheets with black paw prints.

She is also extremely vocal. She talks constantly; always keen to express her well-developed sense of injustice, on issues such as “puppies deserve ice cream too” and “being asleep does not absolve you from playing with me”.

Last summer, teasing me with her toy

Posie started out small enough to fit in your pocket. Literally. She weighed 900g – you can order steaks that are bigger than she was. She left her mother, brother and sister all in the same day. No wonder she seemed so angry when she first saw us. She squeaked and then goose-stepped towards us menacingly, and we knew we wanted “that one”. We took her home with a tiny little red bow in her hair and debated names – I threw out suggestions like Sugarplum, Puppykins and Lady Lovelylocks, but Nathan wasn’t impressed. We called her Miso for about half an hour before we realized that it didn’t suit her at all, but suddenly she was Posie.. and it was just right.

First night we had her.

She spent the first few weeks of her new life shivering in this freezing, draughty house. She was afraid of walking on the wooden floorboards and was so tiny that she would only eat from a teaspoon and needed constantly supervision. Eventually she became bolder and would run around the house, hiding behind the piano and skittering under the couches without having to duck at all.

Our darling Posiepuff the Spacepup is the most annoying dog that ever existed, but also one of the cutest, loveliest, thoughtful puppies that I have ever met. So, happy birthday Posie! Thank you for being such a lovely part of our little family; this home would not be complete without you making us smile every single day.

xx Bunny

Next Week

14 May

Spamalot finishes tomorrow, which is a major relief. Nathator and I have what seem like never-ending colds and it will be nice to have some time after this weekend to just relax and concentrate on getting better.

But first, two more shows for da BF, my sister’s 16th birthday and a little afternoon soirée we’re hosting on Sunday (which I can’t reveal too much about yet) – we may be surviving solely on junk food and painkillers, but we can do it!

And when we are better – there are so many things to do, places to go, people to see.. and things to create! In particular:

  • Despite living in this little house for more than a year, we still haven’t decorated. A lot of it (new windows, restumping, repainting, restaining the floorboards) has to wait until the summer, but otherwise, we have been totally slack.
  • We still haven’t be to Der Raum. Or Berlin Bar.
  • Nathan is buying tickets tomorrow for us to go with friends to see Norwegian black metal band Mayhem, which will be fun city.
  • I haven’t danced in a million years, and a miss it. Considering I can even touch my toes, I think my body misses it too – so I’m going to take ballet classes again.
  • Aaaand, it’s Posie’s 1st birthday very soon.. she’s getting a very exciting present.

xx Bunny

PS: I know I said giveaway this week, but both of us being sick has put a spanner in the works – soon!

My, I’m full of warm fuzzies this morning..

20 Apr

image via weheartit

Got one.

xx B

Mysteries of the Universe

15 Apr

Dear Universe,

Why do I do this? – every single time I have paint or glue on my hands, I wipe it on my skirt. Every time. Even if I am totally aware of the fact that I am wrecking my clothes, I still do it. Gah.

Love from Bunny

PS: I’ve been a really good girl lately, so can you please give me lots of money and make my headache go away? Also, fantastic marks on my assignments would be extremely welcome. Thank you!


And this is Nathan’s contribution to this post:

And here is a hint about things to come, hopefully, that I’ll be talking about after Friday morning.


xx Bunny

I love..

13 Apr

.. that such a thing exists as a cloud atlas. I couldn’t sleep last night, so I eventually ended up googling and researching cloud types (naturally, this is the logical thing to do..). We tend to think of clouds as harmless, puffy little things; it reminded me of how absolutely epic they can be. These are some of my favourite types:

An arcus cloud, shelf type. I actually remember seeing one of these - Australia Day, years ago, at Eastern Beach. It was insanely scary how quickly it tore across the bay.

Noctilucent clouds - these are made up of tiny ice crystals that become coated with sodium and iron, which makes them reflect light and literally shine in the night sky.

Undulatus asperatus clouds - only recently discovered. I think it looks like oil and water, semi-solidified and then whipped.

Yes I am a geek. Sorry. But hey, now you know some stuff about clouds – it could be the million dollar question one day.

… that even diehard Catholics are finally seeing that the Vatican has been overrun by lunatics. I don’t have an issue with individual spirituality and believing in a god, whatever, I do have an issue (A Big One) with organized spirituality (i.e. religion) when it indoctrinates, abuses, squashes and generally curtails basic human rights. As if the sexual abuse wasn’t bad enough, blaming it on the Jews? Are they serious? Well, I suppose these are the same people who are trying to convince the whole world that gays trigger tsunamis and atheists are the reason the Holocaust happened. At least in amongst all the bad, a positive emerges: change. A lot of people finally seem to be questioning their allegiance with an organization that is rotting from the inside out, moving away from the Church and finally examining faith on their own terms, sans sexual abuse.

… apparently Nath would like to be henceforth referred to on this blog as ‘Lord Cocksmith’.
Hmmm. Nope.
Maybe on his birthday.

… this:

… hot chocolate, fluffy socks, fairy bread, cuddly puppies, red ribbon,  snuggling, vintage buttons, wearing dresses, travel daydreams, Posietron, Nathanator, Snuff Box, homemade lasagna, and time to read non-prescribed literature. But all those things go without saying.

… that although it is freaking freezing and I am stressed out of my brain with school (amongst other things), there is suddenly a delicious sense of hope.

xx Bunny Florentine

My Imaginary Puppy

6 Apr

Somebody knocked on the front door for the sixth or seventh time today, and I totally ignored it. I should make a sign: “This is not Stuart’s personal nightclub.” There are all these randoms coming in and out of the house I am supposed to be looking after, and I apparently have no say. It’s frustrating too because I am supposed to be responsible in all this, as the designated housesitter. Woe. I would have left already if I thought the animals would get looked after at all if I weren’t here.

Nath just played a particularly cruel joke on me. The house phone rang, I answered, and didn’t expect him to be calling me on that number nor did I recognize his voice (my head is so stuffed up, everything sounds as though I’m underwater). This was our conversation –

Nath: Hello.
Bunny: Hello.
N: … hi.
B: Oh, sorry, this is L’s partner C’s daughter Bunny, who is housesitting while they are in Europe. Who is this?
N: I’m one of C’s friends, from university. Would you like to buy a puppy?
B: Um, what?
N: Well, actually, you can have it. I’m going overseas.
B: Sorry, why are you calling? Who is this?
N: I’m friends with your Dad and I was just calling around to see if anybody wanted my puppy.
B:…. how old is it? What breed? How long do you have to go overseas for?
N: She’s about 9 months old, pomeranian. I’m leaving permanently.
B: (just about dies of happiness) Oh oh oh! I am super interested! Um, I actually have a maltese-pomeranian who needs a playmate! Does she have a name already?
N: Ummm… yeah. Po…. Possum.
B: Possum? Um, okay.
N: Well, you better call Nathan and ask him then.
B: (has one of those “the call is coming from inside the house” moments)…. how do you know his name?

Then in my imagination, I punched him in the face and broke his nose. In reality, I burst into tears.

To be fair, he was extremely apologetic. But no forgiveness tonight. If he magically found a way to teleport here with chicken noodle soup, panadol, Posie and this imaginary puppy, I might change my mind.

Progressive Rocking

3 Apr

8:15-ishpm – heading out. Am wearing funny contact lenses; paranoid I look silly. Combat this by listening to Satyricon REALLY LOUD on the tram. Nobody sits next to me.

9:00pm – meet Nath and Aaron at Fed Square. Am only person at ACMI not wearing black. Feel out of place; want to take off pink scarf.

9:15-ishpm – waiting. Nervous, excited. Nathan makes fun of hipsters, I cringe because I probably l0ok like one. Aaron and I devise a tumblr-type blog where we photoshop corpse paint onto vapid celebrities.

9:30pm – film starts. Australian premiere of Until the Light Takes Us. Yes, YES. I am only girl there who isn’t a total retro vixen or deluxe goth – I am dressed in my usual, like a whimsical hippy hobogan (yes, I just coined that word).. feeling like a loser, but excited nonetheless.

Some time later:pm  – oh yes. I am in love with: Varg, Dead, Satyr (again), Frost (slightly), Fenriz and Faust.. Passionate idealism is so so so attractive…

Some time in between – we go to Beer Deluxe. I drink Franziskaner Hefferweisse and Fuller’s Organic Honey Dew ale. 2 pints of beer versus 50kg of girl….. tanked. Unfortunately. I was trying so hard to maintain a facade of awesomeness, which failed as I brought out gems like “perhaps black metal arose as an expression of disillusionment, alienation and despair; for these teenagers, exploring the ‘underculture’ of everything they were conditioned to loathe was their only solace when the idyllic society revealed its flaws”. I am so intellectual.

2:00am-ish – in the car listening to Bathory and King Diamond all the way home. Feeeeeel sick. We stop at McDonalds and they won’t let me in because it’s too late. BASTARDS> Yay – petrol station bathroom loves me.

2:something – we’re home. Posie loves me.

2:34am – I spill flour all over my laptop while trying to make waffles . Woah – milk – possibly a bit more dire than flour. Am drurnk. Am also worried – was folllowing waffle recipe that seems to have disappeare3d from my browser. Flying solo now, I guess.

Laterish.am – Waffles eaten. I am tired. I steal Nath’s Mayhem t-shirt and go to   bed.


multitudinous seas incarnadine

1 Apr

… has been floating around my head all day. Such musical words. A snippet of Shakespeare that I came across in my copy of The Little Red Writing Book, but I’m not sure where it is from originally – bets on the Sonnets though.

I really, really, really wish I: a) knew where my camera is, or b) was rich enough to buy the new one I want, so I could show you all what I got up to today. Spectacular sights galore. So, I have raided google image search for some approximations.

ours were not this pretty

Nath and I met up for lunch; Shanghai Dumpling Restaurant! Prawn and chicken, pork and a big plate of Chinese broccoli. I made a huge mess and, of course, ordered at least five times more than I was capable of eating. Nath summed it up as “okay” – I think it’s only fair to interpret that as “I like yours better”.

We went to Mind Games because he simply needed some Warhammer paints, then stood in a bus shelter talking and watching the traffic lights change; again and again and again. He finally went back to work and it was a bit sad..

Uprisings by kozyndan

Next stop: Outre. I wanted to buy everything. EVERYTHING. Especially this piece by kozyndan (see right); very similar to Katsushika Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa except for one vital detail – the frothy crests of the waves consist of hundreds of white tumbling bunnies. I want it.. there were a few more giclee prints of Japanese inspired bunny-art by kozyndan as well; maybe I need them all.

Other eye candy included prints by Angelique Houtkamp, the beautiful Mark Ryden, the ubiquitous Shag, a print of Royal Disorder Poison Party by Camille Rose Garcia, and then Niagara who I hadn’t encountered before but loved. I had to restrain myself from calling people who didn’t even care just to tell them how brilliant some of these works were…… which I suppose is sort of what I am doing now. Just one more…

Delfina y Maria by Sylvia Ji - I wanted this one too.

Okay. Being an art wanker = over.

I wandered off to Lincraft to get some supplies and walked away totally disappointed – why oh why do they only stock A4 sheets of horrible acrylic felt? It defies logic.

.. someone's cupcake. mine was cuter this time. and chocolate.

Anyway, my disappointment was so great that I needed to do two things: buy some bamboo knitting needles and a ball of pretty wool to entertain myself with, and a chocolate mini cupcake with cream cheese frosting to nibble whilst wandering around Degraves St. Having previously discussed the virtues of ‘mini-food’ on Facebook (conclusion: everything ‘mini’ is cuter therefore tastier), it seemed necessary.

So. Now we can pretend that all I do in life is look at art, knit and eat cupcakes. I did laundry? Hunted through a dusty garage and dangled preciously from a teetering ladder while hunting for super glue? Spent half an hour scrubbing a pair of particularly gross shoes with an old toothbrush and methylated spirits? Swept up a small mountain of dog hair from the hallway alone? Am currently doing another small mountain of homework? NEVER.
