Tag Archives: my darling puppy

Posie’s 1st Birthday

17 May

On Sunday, my little puppy turned 1. Naturally, we had to have a birthday party for her – her uncles Gizmo and Bobby came over to say hello, as well as my family, Nath’s family and some friends. We sat around eating cheese and cake all afternoon, while Posie pranced around the house in her new pink sweater playing with her new toys. She got so many presents.. she is definitely spoiled!

I feel so grateful that my little munchkin spent this year with Nath and I. Pity she wouldn’t let me give her a bath or even clean her face up for some photos!

I love this dog so much. She barks incessantly, skitters across the floorboards at the slightest provocation and enjoys biting people. When I am sick, she collects dirty tissues from around the house to ‘feed’ to me. When I am not sick, she gathers woodchips, grass and insects as presents to put in my bed. She will run outside in the middle of the night to dance around in the mud, scamper back inside and decorate my bedsheets with black paw prints.

She is also extremely vocal. She talks constantly; always keen to express her well-developed sense of injustice, on issues such as “puppies deserve ice cream too” and “being asleep does not absolve you from playing with me”.

Last summer, teasing me with her toy

Posie started out small enough to fit in your pocket. Literally. She weighed 900g – you can order steaks that are bigger than she was. She left her mother, brother and sister all in the same day. No wonder she seemed so angry when she first saw us. She squeaked and then goose-stepped towards us menacingly, and we knew we wanted “that one”. We took her home with a tiny little red bow in her hair and debated names – I threw out suggestions like Sugarplum, Puppykins and Lady Lovelylocks, but Nathan wasn’t impressed. We called her Miso for about half an hour before we realized that it didn’t suit her at all, but suddenly she was Posie.. and it was just right.

First night we had her.

She spent the first few weeks of her new life shivering in this freezing, draughty house. She was afraid of walking on the wooden floorboards and was so tiny that she would only eat from a teaspoon and needed constantly supervision. Eventually she became bolder and would run around the house, hiding behind the piano and skittering under the couches without having to duck at all.

Our darling Posiepuff the Spacepup is the most annoying dog that ever existed, but also one of the cutest, loveliest, thoughtful puppies that I have ever met. So, happy birthday Posie! Thank you for being such a lovely part of our little family; this home would not be complete without you making us smile every single day.

xx Bunny


28 Mar

The first night, when she was 8 weeks old. Love you embarrassingly much, my Posie-puff.


Fairy Bread + Guinea Pigs

27 Mar

via 0xo

Damn. You know in films like The Butterfly Effect there is one crucial thing that could have changed everything? I was going to make fairy bread for lunch on Friday, but events changed and I ended up deciding that walking five minutes to the supermarket for sprinkles and bread was just TOO HARD. So no fairy bread.

I seriously think it could have made all the difference.

After work on Saturday, I fainted.
Weep weep.
Probably exhaustion, total and utter depression, stress, not eating or sleeping or receiving the recommended daily dose of cuddles from a puppy. I wish I could marry Posie sometimes.. but pretty sure Nath would fight me for her.
Pretty sure if it were a fist fight, I’d win.


The Mean Reds

23 Mar

I’m like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don’t even belong to each other.

So, here I am again. A different postcode though. And it appears that I have grown a thorny shell at some point between 2006-2007 and now. Maybe it’s automatic; subconscious self preservation perhaps?

I miss my puppy like crazy; sometimes it feels that I could pretend everything was okay if she was here. There is a dog here but we are simply not on the same wavelength. He knocks people over, slobbers like he has rabies and takes great delight in rifling through the garbage. My darling puppy is dainty; she springs through the overgrown backyard like a little lamb, climbs into your lap and pins your shoulders to cover your face with kisses, and has a tremendous sense of injustice when we dare to laugh at all the silly little things she does. She even knows all the individual names of her toys and brings the specific one you ask for..

She is so sad when I leave her, and I hate that it is not just a few days or weeks for her – it is a significant portion of her life. If she lives for 12 years, that is 4383 (ish) days which I could possibly spend with her. Yet here I am, a million miles away from her, in the midst of a 13 week semester that is such a huge chunk of her short life. She is going to be mad-spoiled when I get back to her. Oh – also she turns 1 on May 16th. We’re having a birthday party for her – invites via facebook, if I love you enough.

No, it’s not just puppy love or lack thereof – a lot is going on. I feel so silly. A lower IQ and less style, I’d be practically emo. As much as I need an outlet right now, I don’t want this blog to turn this into a Debbie Downer skit. There are wonderful, amazing things in the world, even if they are beyond my line of sight right now – when I am reunited with them… words, words, words!

In the meantime, here are the best things I can think of right now:

  • the ski boots my friend’s housemate found on the side of the road – a size too big maybe and actually for men, but I’m overjoyed nonetheless
  • Bic Runga’s cover of And No More Shall We Part (originally by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds) performed with the Christchurch Symphony Orchestra
  • blueberries in general
  • Keanu Reeves in Bram Stoker’s Dracula – he makes it a comedy (more than Sadie Frost and the special effects)
  • seeing Lady Gaga soon – I am embarrassed over how excited I am
  • and the best thing… the knowledge that “the mean reds” I seem to share with Holly Golightly (or “the depths of despair” as Anne Shirley would put it) will eventually pass. Or at least fade.

Next time with words, words, words,

Ophelia the Obnoxious  xx