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busy bunny

14 Jun

I bought a domain! While I’m still at home getting better, I’m tricking it up for your viewing pleasure, so hold tight.

Apart from that, Rupert is settling in nicely. He and Posie have had a few little spats but they are currently asleep on the couch, one on either side of me. I am feeling pretty conflicted about it all – what is best for everybody, making sure that the dogs are getting equal attention and not bossing each other around, etc. It will take time, for sure.

And finally – I am having a 90’s music renaissance. Actually, when am I not having a 90’s music renaissance?! Here is one of my guilty dance-around-the-house-in-my-underwear songs:

As one of the commenters said, it seemed so much better at the time.

xx Bunny


28 Apr

Apologies for the video dump. I have had this song stuck in my head for days, but could not remember what it was called or any of the lyrics. But I found it and am pretty pleased with myself:

Sigh. I love the completely melodramatic strings, totally meaningless lyrics and the fact this guy looks like he’s about 18 yet manages to have an edge to his otherwise sweet voice. It also makes me wish that huge perms were still acceptable… oh, to have Kate Bush hair.

I found it via Midomi – a voice recognition song search, which I adore so much. It also helped me find 你快樂所以我快樂 (You’re Happy, So I’m Happy) by Faye Wong, which I had spent literally 10+ years looking for. This song was on a mixtape that one of my Dad’s colleagues made for us when we were living in Taiwan in 1997 or 1998. It’s in Chinese so I had only vague recollections of certain phrases, no idea what it was called and only a guess that it was by either Faye Wong, A-Mei or Julia Peng. When I found it, I played it non-stop for days and called everybody in my family to tell them I found it..

xx Bunny